In Dream 1, I am shown a large golden sun in the sky in diagrammatic form. The sun’s light shines and connects to a person’s core. In Dream 2, from a different perspective, this spark of light within each of us appears like stars in the night sky.
On the level of the core star, everyone looks like a beautiful star. Each star is different. Each star is the internal source of life within. In this inner place, we are the center of the universe. Here is localized the divine individuality within each of us.
Light Emerging: Light Emerging (Barbara-Brennan, 2002, p. 28)
This dream depicts our deepest level, the core of our being, our individuated divine essence, which is paradoxically also the Divine/God.
What may be confusing about the core essence is that it also exists in the divine unitive principle, or God. That is, it is both the individuated God within us and the universal God at the same time.
Once you can experience your core essence, you will be able to find it everywhere. You will find it in your body […] you will find it everywhere in your life. You will find it stretched out to the far reaches of the universe. You will find it everywhere you look for it.
Light Emerging: Light Emerging (Barbara-Brennan, 2002, p. 306)
The core star level brings us to the holographic view, ‘where everything is connected to everything else’, ‘where each piece contains the whole’, and ‘where time is also holographic’. Light Emerging: Light Emerging (Barbara-Brennan, 2002, p. 39)
That essence is found within the core star level of every living creature. It is found within everything. It is everywhere. Everything is ultimately interpenetrated with essence, consciousness, and mind. M-3 metaphysics, then, most naturally brings us to holism and the interconnectedness of all things.
Light Emerging: Light Emerging (Barbara-Brennan, 2002, p. 306)